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Cardology Case Study #3: How Q♣️ Erykah Badu uses her 5♠️ Neptune card to express her spirituality

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Welcome to Cardology Case Study #3! In today's world, many people are trying to become more connected to spirituality. The funny thing is . . . many people aren't sure what "being connected" to spirituality means . . . or how to do it. That is why we will be using this case study to focus on the Neptune card with the help of Ms. Erkyah Badu.

"Badu has spent her life consciously preaching universal love and authenticity; for that reason she exemplifies spirituality."

Neptune Card: What are our desires and fears, how we connect to our subconscious mind and spirituality, how we relate to travel, and what we can expect during the later years of our life

What is spirituality?

About 6 years ago, I came across this quote from Haile Selassie the first posted in a Rastafarian Cafe. It said, "Spirituality is a network linking us to the most high, the universe, and each other." This quote became the foundation of my spiritual journey.

All the tools that we use to connect to our spirituality (such as meditation, fasting, and cardology) are really tools that we are using to connect more to ourselves. As we learn more about who we are at our authentic core, we are more prepared to connect with people, the universe, and our version of the most high.

How does Erykah Badu play a part in this?

Badu's music has taken over the neo-soul genre for decades. Each one of her albums is different from the next. Each one is inspired by different parts of herself or different stages of her life. She has never shied away from her own authenticity and her Neptune card plays a major role in that.

Badu was born on February 26th, 1971. This makes her Birth card a Q♣️ and her Neptune card a 5♠️. The Q♣️ is often called the "Mother of Intuition". Whether you are a man or woman with this birth card, the Q♣️ is one of the most spiritual cards in the deck. However, in order to tap into your spiritual gifts as a Q♣️, you must take the time to get to know who you are.

Watch the video below to learn more about the 5♠️ Neptune Card for the Q♣️.

Spirituality Looks Differently For Everyone

Based on the above video, you'll notice how much the 5♠️ affects the Q♣️ in relation to their spiritual journey. If you have a 4, 6, 8, or 10 as the beginning number of your Neptune card, you are likely to crave more structure and organization when creating your connection to the most high. The structure could come in the form of school, church, or becoming a hermit in the mountains. This is why your spiritual journey begins with getting to know yourself.

Badu was born a Pisces. This means that her Neptune card is the same as her Planetary Ruler card. Our Planetary Ruler card is the suit we wear for the world to see; it shows the world our personality and characteristics. So most people see the spiritual side of Badu at first glance. We as spectators see her spiritual side expressed in her music, her work as a doula and midwife, and her love of traveling.

Below is a quote from Badu from an article titled Erykah Badu finds much inspiration in traveling written in 2015:

“I’ve been traveling around the world collecting drums,” she explains. “I went to New Zealand and played with the Maori tribe. I went to South Africa, to Soweto, and played with a few tribes there; I went to Kenya and played with the Masai tribe in Nairobi; I went to Cuba and got some timbale drums from some of the elders there.… And when I say ‘got drums’, I mean I’ve recorded drums with either tribe-based societies or groups that were highly recommended to me. I pay them for their time, and I get to own the recordings. So those drums from all over the world will be the foundation of what this album is about.” -EryKah Badu (Read the full article here)

Badu has spent her life consciously preaching universal love and authenticity; for that reason she exemplifies spirituality. Another thing we can respect about her is her love of her privacy. She reveals what she wants, and locks away what she doesn't. Take this lesson from her as well. Your spiritual journey doesn't need to be public for it to be real, it just needs to be yours.

So, how do you find your Neptune card?

Step 1: Locate your birth card, based on your birthday, on the chart below.

Step 2: Find your birth card on the Grand solar spread below.

Step 3: Count 7 places to the left of your birth card to find your Neptune card. If you reach the end of the row, move down to the next row and read from right to left.

Example Shown Below: Q♣️ Birth Card. 5♠️ Neptune Card.

What is the next step for YOU?

My goal with this case study was to simplify spirituality for you. There are many different avenues that many different people are using to connect with their versions of the most high. At the end of the day, spirituality begins with how you connect with yourself.

Connecting with yourself can be a challenge if you aren't sure where to start. Studying your Neptune card can help you understand how to get that burst of spiritual inspiration that you've been looking for, however, if you are not ready to begin that journey alone I am happy to help.

Click HERE to book your own 30 or 60 minute Cardology Reading with Shelbie!

Get the clarity you need to have a fulfilling spiritual journey. You deserve peace.

Here is a list of the primary 15 card placements . . . which would you like to learn about in the next Cardology Case Study? Leave your answer in a comment below!

  1. Moon Card: How we are emotionally supported and how we express our emotions

  2. Sun/Birth Card: Our purpose or destiny

  3. Mercury Card: How we communicate and think. This card also shows the energy that governs our Mercury Phase of Life (ages 0-12)

  4. Venus Card: How we view love, romance, and how we relate to women and children. This card also shows the energy that governs our Venus Phase of Life (ages 13 - 25)

  5. Mars Card: How we compete, what we will fight for, and where our passions lie. This card also shows the energy that governs our Mars Phase of Life (ages 26 - 38).

  6. Jupiter Card: How we grow and what brings us prosperity. This card also shows the energy that governs our Jupiter Phase of Life (ages 39 - 51)

  7. Saturn Card: How we handle our career, reputation, how we eat and how we heal (take care of ourselves). This card also shows the energy that governs our Saturn Phase of Life (ages 52 - 64)

  8. Uranus Card: How we change and adapt to life, how we deal with large groups (corporations, institutions, and friendships) as well as how we deal with real estate. This card also shows the energy that governs our Uranus Phase of Life (approximately 65 - 77)

  9. Neptune Card: How we connect to our subconscious mind and spirituality, our fears and desires, and how we relate to travel. This card also shows the energy that governs our Neptune Phase of Life (approximately ages 78 - 99 )

  10. Pluto Card: What will transform or destroys us

  11. Pluto Result Card: What is the result of our transformation or destruction

  12. Cosmic Lesson Card: What lesson are we supposed to learn in this lifetime and what responsibilities do we have to the world around us

  13. Karma 1 Card: What we feel weak or insecure about

  14. Karma 2 Card: What gives us support and maximizes our potential

  15. Planetary Ruler Card: The suit we wear for the world to see; our personality and characteristics

With love and purpose,

Shelbie Moore, Cardology Reader


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