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Cardology Case Study #5: How 5♣️ Jamie Foxx handles relationships based on his 5♥️ Karma 1 Card

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

As children, we took our experiences and created beliefs that set the foundation for our subconscious. Within that subconscious, our insecurities were born. The cardology system gifted us with the Karma 1 card so that we could get to know our insecurities and make peace with them. We will be looking into Jamie Foxx's unorthodox family life to understand how our Karma 1 card can affect the major decisions we make.

"Insecure thoughts are natural; they make us humble, relatable, and human. "

Karma 1 Card: What we feel weak or insecure about

Everyone has insecurities

Beyonce doesn't like her ears. She did an interview where she discussed being bullied about her ears in school. To this day, she typically wears her hair and earrings to cover her ears. It may seem silly because Beyonce is healthy, wealthy, and beautiful so how could something so small hold so much weight? It's simple . . . we all have something we are insecure about.

Beyonce honors her truth by stating "this feeling affects me and this is how I deal with it so that I can be comfortable in the present moment". Every single person in the world looks at their life and wishes that something were bigger, better, or even gone. These thoughts are natural; they make us humble, relatable, and human.

We can not truly tap into our strengths until we understand our weaknesses. It is important to get to know your insecurities as a part of yourself before trying to get rid of them. Doing this will help you love yourself on a more holistic level. The Karma 1 card is a great tool to help with this step in your personal and spiritual development.

How does Jamie Foxx play a part in this?

Jamie Foxx is a well-known star that has appeared in comedy, drama, action, and musicals. A few years ago, Foxx also revealed that he was abandoned by his parents and raised by his maternal grandparents. Foxx says that based on his upbringing he learned that you don't have to have a "traditional family" in order to have a loving one.

Foxx was born on December 13th, 1967. This makes his Birth card a 5♣️ and his Karma 1 card a 5♥️. The 5♣️ is said to be one of the most "unmarriageable" cards in the deck. Their karma 1 Card plays a major role in this. Watch the video below to learn more about the 5♣️'s Karma 1 card.

Your Karma 1 card can show up as energy OR a person

Any of your personal attribute cards can show up as an energy or a person. As you learned above, our Karma 1 card reveals the areas of our life that make us feel insecure or weak. These weaknesses were not made to be displayed for the world to see everytime someone looks at us. They are opportunities for introspective healing and self love. Our insecurities are a part of who we are and they should be loved and respected like every other part of us.

How your Karma 1 shows up as energy . . .

Foxx had an unorthodox upbringing that he grew to love and appreciate as a part of himself. Based on that foundation, he confidently built an untraditional family with his two daughters Corrine Foxx and Annalise Bishop. His daughters are more than a decade apart and were born with two different mothers. He is not in a relationship with either mother. He has also stated that he does not plan to get married because he doesn't feel like marriage is essential for a happy relationship.

Foxx has revealed that although things are not "normal", he loves everything that his daughters have brought to his life. He learned from his grandparents that love can come in many forms. There was likely a time when Foxx felt insecure about how he was raised due to his parents abandoning him, but he used that energy to understand that if he felt insecure about his family that meant he deeply cared about them.

Below is a quote from Foxx regarding his thoughts on traditional families:

"A lot of those marriages ended up not doing well as the kids got older. Unfortunately, we saw the kids get fractured from their families. Us [his family], we actually came together more. So I don't know what that is, I just know that it is different but it's a whole lot of love." Read the full article here.

How our Karma 1 shows up as a person

When we meet someone who is our Karma 1 card, that person helps us see our own insecurities. We will either be drawn to the things we feel that we are not, or we will resent them for being all the things we feel we can't be. Basically, we either want to marry them or push them away.

Kerry Washington co-stared with Jamie Foxx for the movies Ray and Django Unchained. The two had major on camera chemistry in both movies and it was rumored that they may have had a romantic interest in one another. One major reason for this rumor is because one of Washington's Karma 1 cards is a 5♣️ (This is based on her 4♣️ Planetary Ruler Card which is like our second birth card. Scroll to the bottom of the blog to learn more about this card).

Based on her Karma 1 card, Washington likely has moments where she is insecure about her restless mind. She may feel like she should be more organized or stable than she actually is. Meeting Foxx, a man who was so confident in his sense of freedom and restless nature, was likely very alluring because he appeared to have mastered what she was most insecure about.

How to find your Karma 1 card

Step 1: Locate your Birth card, based on your birthday, on the chart below.

Step 2: Using the charts to locate your Karma 1 card is a bit tricky so I made it easy for you! Look below to find the Karma 1 card that corresponds with your birth card!

There are only 45 cards that have a set Karma 1 card. If your birth card is semi-fixed or fixed, then I would look at the Karma 1 card of your Planetary Ruler instead. Leave a comment below if you need help with this!

Example: A♥️ (Birth card), A♦️ (Karma 1 card)

  1. A♥️, A♦️

  2. 2♥️, Semi-fixed

  3. 3♥️, A♥️

  4. 4♥️, 4♠️

  5. 5♥️,4♦️

  6. 6♥️, 4♣️

  7. 7♥️, 8♥️

  8. 8♥️, 7♠️

  9. 9♥️, Semi-fixed

  10. 10♥️, J♣️

  11. J♥️, Fixed

  12. Q♥️, 10♠️

  13. K♥️, 2♣️

  14. A♣️ Semi-fixed

  15. 2♣️, A♠️

  16. 3♣️, 5♦️

  17. 4♣️, 5♣️

  18. 5♣️, 5♥️

  19. 6♣️, 8♠️

  20. 7♣️, 8♦️

  21. 8♣️, Fixed

  22. 9♣️, Q♥️

  23. 10♣️, J♠️

  24. J♣️, J♦️

  25. Q♣️, 3♥️

  26. K♣️, 2♠️

  27. A♦️, 2♦️

  28. 2♦️, 6♣️

  29. 3♦️, 6♥️

  30. 4♦️, 5♠️

  31. 5♦️, 9♦️

  32. 6♦️, 9♣️

  33. 7♦️, Semi-fixed

  34. 8♦️, Q♠️

  35. 9♦️, Q♦️

  36. 10♦️, Q♣️

  37. J♦️, 3♠️

  38. Q♦️, 3♦️

  39. K♦️, 3♣️

  40. A♠️, 7♥️

  41. 2♠️, 6♠️

  42. 3♠️, 6♦️

  43. 4♠️, 10♣️

  44. 5♠️, 10♥️

  45. 6♠️, 9♠️

  46. 7♠️, K♦️

  47. 8♠️, K♣️

  48. 9♠️, K♥️

  49. 10♠️, 4♥️

  50. J♠️, 7♣️

  51. Q♠️, 10♦️

  52. K♠️, Fixed

Are you ready to explore your cards?

Studying your Karma 1 card is a great way to begin healing your inner child. Once we get to know that part of ourselves, we can truly love and honor the adults that we have become. From there, we can have healthier relationships, habits, and outlooks on life.

Click HERE to book your own 30 or 60-minute Cardology Reading!

Get the clarity you need to discover and make peace with your weaknesses.

Here is a list of the primary 15 card placements . . . which would you like to learn about in the next Cardology Case Study? Leave your answer in a comment below!

  1. Moon Card: How we are emotionally supported and how we express our emotions

  2. Sun/Birth Card: Our purpose or destiny

  3. Mercury Card: How we communicate and think. This card also shows the energy that governs our Mercury Phase of Life (ages 0-12)

  4. Venus Card: How we view love, romance, and how we relate to women and children. This card also shows the energy that governs our Venus Phase of Life (ages 13 - 25)

  5. Mars Card: How we compete, what we will fight for, and where our passions lie. This card also shows the energy that governs our Mars Phase of Life (ages 26 - 38).

  6. Jupiter Card: How we grow and what brings us prosperity. This card also shows the energy that governs our Jupiter Phase of Life (ages 39 - 51)

  7. Saturn Card: How we handle our career, reputation, how we eat and how we heal (take care of ourselves). This card also shows the energy that governs our Saturn Phase of Life (ages 52 - 64)

  8. Uranus Card: How we change and adapt to life, how we deal with large groups (corporations, institutions, and friendships) as well as how we deal with real estate. This card also shows the energy that governs our Uranus Phase of Life (approximately 65 - 77)

  9. Neptune Card: How we connect to our subconscious mind and spirituality, our fears and desires, and how we relate to travel. This card also shows the energy that governs our Neptune Phase of Life (approximately ages 78 - 99 )

  10. Pluto Card: What will transform or destroys us

  11. Pluto Result Card: What is the result of our transformation or destruction

  12. Cosmic Lesson Card: What lesson are we supposed to learn in this lifetime and what responsibilities do we have to the world around us

  13. Karma 1 Card: What we feel weak or insecure about

  14. Karma 2 Card: What gives us support and maximizes our potential

  15. Planetary Ruler Card: The suit we wear for the world to see; our personality and characteristics

With love and purpose,

Shelbie Moore, Cardology Reader

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Dec 05, 2022

Thank you I found your website very helpful and inspiring. Thank you for you love energy the planet need Sis 🙌🏾💜

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